•  The sole fact of your viewing, accessing, reading, copying and/or using this website entirely or separately, by one or more pages presented hereon you unconditionally agree to be bound by the provisions of the terms hereafter. In case you do not agree to abide by any or the whole of the provisions you are kindly requested not to proceed using the website in any way, whether partially or wholly.
  •  Ensuring the privacy of the clients is an absolutely top priority of the operation of Pulse Option website. platform and any other related services. You will find the information on the data collection and usage as well as the protection of the client’s privacy on this page.
  •  The Privacy Policy is applicable to all the kinds of information whether requested from you or submitted by you while using the website. The information in question may include (but not limited to) full name, residential address, fixed and mobile phone, email, bank details, electronic payment requisites, social network(s) profile address, and other data. The aforementioned information shall be securely stored in the website and may be updated when necessary by yourself, should circumstances arise. It is unconditionally accepted by you that due to legal, KYC and AML restrictions certain pieces of information may not be edited once submitted.
  •  Other types of information collected by the website includes your IP (Internet Protocol) address(es), operating system language, browser settings, dates and times of visits. The website uses Cookies to ensure your flawless user experience and convenience, tracks website usage data, demographics, traffic and other performance measures.
  •  Under no circumstances any (partially or on the whole) of the information mentioned above will be disclosed to any third party, unless one of the following statements becomes fact:
    • The information had been in any way disclosed prior to submission on the website;
    • The information becomes generally available as a result of your own action or absence of action, without any involvement by or from Pulse Option;
    • The information is requested by law authorities, enforcement or other governmental body, provided it has legal power of requesting it. In such cases Pulse Option will follow the legislation fully and in timely manner;
    • The information is required for the protection of Pulse Option rights and reputation;
  •  The most high-class industry standard measures shall be taken by Pulse Option for the purpose of prevention of any unauthorized access and preserving data integrity. Such measures shall include (but not be limited to) high-class SSL encryption, protected top-class data centers, fully-protected website environment, and many more. The level of security shall be constantly monitored by the world class professionals and upgraded/enhanced according to the latest industry standards as the computer technologies continue evolving.
  •  No information originating from the persons under legal age of 18 shall be accepted, collected, saved, stored, reviewed or in any other way processed by Pulse Option.
  •  The use of Cookies can be turned off at anytime by tuning your browser settings at your sole decisions. Pulse Option will not, however, bear any responsibility for the decrease in the quality of your user experience caused by this action.
  •  This Privacy Policy may be amended by Pulse Option in case such amendments are deemed necessary. Pulse Option reserves a right to perform such amendments without prior notice.